Sensual Experiences in the Heart of London

Are you looking for Tantric Massage in London? Well, my name is Eve, and I may well be just what you’re looking for!

Highly skilled in ‘the bedroom’, and also an equally highly skilled masseuse, I will open your eyes, body and mind to a new world of sexy, erotic and supremely sensual delights – I’m not called Eve Sensual for nothing!

My pictures are recent and 100% me. I’m sorry I have to blur my face, but I have to be discrete.

However, I’ve been told I am very pretty, and I go to the gym regularly, so I am fit and nicely toned for you.

I’m intriguingly ‘European’, but have fluent English and can hold a good conversation, so if you like to chat during our time together, then we can discuss anything you like, including what you like and what you might like me to do to you!

Every meeting with a friend, whether it be the anticipation of the unexpected with a new friend, or the comfortable familiarity of an old friend, is a memorable event. I love meeting interesting people, and my friends are ALWAYS interesting. They often don’t realise that, but their worlds and experience of life is invariably very different to mine so, yes, of course they are interesting to me!

I specialise in an unmissable, VERY sensual GFE, and am especially good with shy guys and nervous first-timers, making sure they feel comfortable and safe. But don’t let that fool you – I am very naughty, and thoroughly enjoy exploring all aspects of my friends, whether they be gentlemen, ladies or couples, and making sure they always leave me with a smile on their face, whilst contemplating their return visit.

I also adore having fun with couples and enjoy seeing them enjoying themselves in a different way to their usual interaction – it’s VERY special! There’s all sorts of possibilities – obviously, lol! – but I’ve found that many couples like to start with me massaging the lady, which usually then leads inevitably to things hotting up!

I also have a number of lovely, naughty girlfriends, most of whom are fully bisexual, who delight in joining me for threesomes and more-somes – please see my Playmates Gallery for more details.

If you’re looking for one of the best Tantric Massage experiences in London then get in touch

I very much look forward to seeing you soon for a wonderful time together.


Eve xxx

Tantric Massage in London


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